Nowadays, the progress in science development is so fast, that it is impossible to follow all the new knowledge being obtained. About 2.5 million new scientific papers are published each year in peer reviewed journals. This means 2.5 million of the new important results giving new knowledge for various fields of the human life.
That is why every next year we have to know more than in previous one. And we have to learn more, and we have to study more.
Heart disease poses a real threat for public health because it supposed to the Number One cause of death in all Western and many developing countries. According to the World Health Organization reports, about 20 million people die every year due to the diseases of heart. Such conditions are extremely dangerous and need immediate treatment. Almost all people older than 40 are afraid of heart attack or stroke. That is why the number of drugs purposed for the treatment of various disorders generally termed heart diseases is very high. And the top marketed drugs worldwide are the ones purposed for treatment of atherosclerosis - the main cause of cardiovascular diseases.
Besides drugs, which must be prescribed by physician, there is a lot of medicinal herbs protecting heart and vessels from diseases everyone is most afraid of.
The weight loss problem within the last couple of decades concerns a lot of people, as women as men. There are many various chemical compounds on the market accelerating fat degradation. They are proved to be effective, but besides of these benefits they can cause some harmful effects in human body.
Eleuthrococcus - marvelous brain protection
Among the adaptogen herbs from Siberia, Eleutherococcus was the first one that was scientifically investigated using modern methods of chemistry, biology, and pharmacology. The first publication about health benefits of eleutherococcus entitled "A New Medicinal Plant of the Family of Araliaceae -The Spiny Eleutherococcus" was made by professor Israel Brekhman in 1960. Since then, Eleutherocccus remains one of the most widely studied plant remedy in research laboratories throughout the world. Eleutherococcus is commonly known to exert adaptogen effects. This means that it can enhance physical activity and stamina, increase resistance to stress factors and stimulate immune system. But these effects...